Data Extraction

Understating eva's database

Access to the database

Different kinds of reports can be created from the information available in eva’s database, such as information on usage, volume, evolution in accesses and customer satisfaction. To extract data from eva, four main tables must be understood:

  • Session

  • User_interaction

  • Satisfaction

  • Technicallog


The datebase access has to be given by your eva`s deploy administrator.

How to start MySQL 5.7:


The database access can be concurrent with the virtual agent use. Check with the system administrator the best time to extract data.


The session table has all the services made by the virtual agent. No matter how many questions the user has asked during a session, only one record will appear for each session. This table can generate reports such as:

Average daily sessions: how many sessions are run per day.

Volume of session: total sessions. It can be broke down in different time frames, such as month or timeframe/total sessions.

Channel/session evolution: a line graph showing the evolution of the number of sessions, making possible to see if there was a increase or decrease.

User Interactions

The user_interaction table stores each one of the users interactions, be the question asked or the answer sent by the virtual agent. The interactions between user and virtual agent are stored and identified by the session code. It is also possible to identify whether it was a user or a virtual agent interaction. This table can generate the following reports:

Volume of questions: total amount of questions asked by users

Number of questions per channel: total number of user questions per channel

Question evolution: a graph showing the number of questions from the users evolution.

Average question per user: shows the average number of questions per user.

Top 10 words: ranking with the 10 most typed words by users


The satisfaction table stores the user's assessment of virtual agent attendance. At the end of the session, the user is asked to evaluate the virtual agent service and comment their experience. This table can generate the following reports:

Satisfaction survey result: shows the result of the satisfaction survey, that allows to analyse the level of user satisfaction with a grading system.

Volume of answer: total amount of responses from the satisfaction survey

Solved questions: number of users who had their questions answered


The technicallog table stores technical information from user questions, such as response times and service calls, information about calls and execution errors. The response from the eva chat service, when it returns an error, sends a UUID for troubleshooting (found in this table). This table can generate the following report:

Average response time for external services: calculates the average response from external services.

Eva also has other important tables related to the main tables:

  • answer

  • answer_template

  • virtual agent

  • channel

  • channel_classification

  • channel_type


The answer table stores the settings for the response that are created in the virtual agent. The answer can be identified by a name (for example “Welcome”), a description and tags related to the answer subject. It also can be configured to be evaluable and/or transactional.

Answer Template

The answer_template is the content of an answer that was created in the answer table. One record in the answer table can have many records in the answer_template table, since each channel that a particular answer is delivered generates a recording. The content is the answer that will be sent to the user. For example, the name of the answer is “Welcome” and the content is “Hello, I’m a virtual assistant”.

Virtual agent

The virtual agent tables stores virtual agent data from the moment it is created.


The channel table stores channel data creation. It is possible to identify to which virtual agent the channel is associated, the channel name and type.

Channel Classification

The channel_classification table stores the classifications of channels, each one identified by an ID. These groups are:

  • Smart Speakers & Social Robots

  • Smart Assistants

  • Messaging Platform

  • Synthetic Reality

  • Mobile/Tablet/Desktop

  • Cognitive Contact Center

Channel Type

The channel_type table stores the types of channels. Within each classification, there are of channels types, such as:

  • Smart Speakers & Social Robots: Amazon Echo e Google Home

  • Smart Assistants: Alexa, Cortana e Siri

  • Messaging Platform: Facebook, Twitter e Skype

  • Synthetic Reality: ARCore e Samsung Gear VR

  • Mobile/Tablet/Desktop: Andriod, iOS e Web

  • Cognitive Contact Center: IVR e VR

Last updated