There are 25 other available tables in eva, from API Key to Utterances
Api Key
The apikey table stores API keys used to validate eva’s service calls.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
apiKey | varchar(50) | No | Stores the safety key value |
createDate | datetime | No | Record creation date |
Automatization test
The automatization_test stores general information about automated tests. To execute an automated test, the user must fill a spreadsheet and insert it in the cockpit.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing the automated test |
name | varchar(200) | Yes | Automated test name |
confidence | decimal(12,10) | No | Shows the average confidence level. |
flagBatch | tinyint(1) | No | Flags if the test has to be scheduled to be executed via DevOps |
nlpVersion | varchar(10) | Yes | Shows the cognitive engine version |
utterances | int(11) | Yes | Number of examples in the test |
userId | bigint(20) | No | ID identifying the user, related to the user table |
botId | bigint(20) | No | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
channelId | bigint(20) | No | ID representing a channel related to the channel table |
sessionCode | varchar(50) | Yes | Code representing a session |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Date of last update |
Automatization Test Description
The automatization_test_description Stores data that was inserted in the automated test spreadsheet and are stored as an execution result.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID representing the automated test description |
intent | varchar(100) | Yes | Expected intent name |
utterance | text | Yes | Text that has to be sent |
text | text | Yes | Expected answer |
intentResult | varchar(100) | Yes | Intent returned by the NLP |
textResult | Text | Yes | Returned answer |
confidence | decimal(12,10) | No | Confidence level returned by the NLP |
timeResult | int(11) | Yes | Processing time |
testId | int(11) | No | Executed test ID (automatization test) |
data | text | Yes | Business key. It is an optional column and it is not used in the automated test |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record update date |
Virtual agent NLP Engine
The bot_nlp_engine table is a N-N relationship table between virtual agent and nlp_engine.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
nlpEngineId | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a cognitive engine, related to the nlp_engine table |
createdBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who created |
updatedBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
createdAt | Datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record update date |
The configuration tables stores eva’s configuration keys.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID representing a custom configuration key |
key | varchar(50) | No | Configuration key value |
value | varchar(225) | Yes | Shows the configuration key value |
description | varchar(200) | Yes | Parameter description |
createdBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who created |
updatedBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
erasable | tinyint(4) | Yes | Says if the field can be erased |
The entity table stores configurations for entities created in the virtual agent. An example would be the entity “sport”.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID representing an entity |
name | varchar(255) | No | Entity name |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
updatedBy | bigint(20) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
createdBy | bigint(20) | Yes | ID representing the user who created |
removed | tinyint(1) | No | Shows if it was removed. It is possible to revert by changing the Boolean, 0 = not removed 1 = removed |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
enable | tinyint(1) | No | Shows if the entity is enabled |
metadata | varchar(100) | Yes | Shows the entity metadata values, related to the chosen NLP |
To learn how to use Entity in eva
Entity Value
The entity_value table stores the entity content. So, in the entity “sport”, the values would be “football”, “basketball” or “tennis”.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID representing the entity value |
entityId | bigint(20) | No | ID representing an entity, related to the entity table |
value | varchar(100) | No | Entity value |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
updatedBy | bigint(20) | No | ID representing the user who updated |
createdBy | bigint(20) | No | ID representing the user who created |
type | varchar(20) | No | Shows the entity value: Synonym or Pattern |
Entity Sample
The entity_sample table stores words that has a similar meaning to the entity value. For example, if the entity value is “football”, it could store “soccer” or “association football”.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID representing the entity synonym |
entityValueId | bigint(20) | No | ID identifying the entity value, related to the entity_value table |
value | varchar(100) | No | Entity value synonym |
createdAt | varchar(100) | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last updated date |
createdBy | bigint(20) | No | ID representing the user who created |
updatedBy | bigint(20) | No | ID representing the user who updated |
Facebook Configuration
The facebook_configuration stores the chat configuration in a Facebook page.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
pageId | varchar(45) | Yes | Facebook page ID, identified by an URL |
pageName | varchar(45) | Yes | Facebook page name |
hubToken | varchar(100) | No | Verification code to be used with a webhook |
pageAccessToken | varchar(225) | Yes | Verification code to validate page access |
channelId | bigint(20) | Yes | ID representing the channel in the channel table |
Facebook User
The facebook_user table stores the data of the facebook user who interacted with the virtual agent.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
userId | varchar(20) | No | ID that identifies the user, related to the user table |
createDate | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
userBlocked | tinyint(2) | Yes | Shows if the user is blocked |
lastInteraction | datetime | Yes | Shows the user`s last interaction date and time |
The intents table stores the configuration of intents created in the virtual agent.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID representing an intent |
name | varchar(255) | No | Intent name |
description | text | Yes | Intent description |
enabled | tinyint(1) | No | Shows if the intent is enabled |
removed | tinyint(1) | No | Shows if the intent was removed. It is possible to revert by changing the Boolean. 0 = not removed 1 = removed |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
updatedBy | bigint(20) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | Yes | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
metadata | varchar(100) | Yes | Intent metada, depends of the chosen NLP |
To learn more how to use Intents in eva
NLP Engine
The nlp_engine stores NLP integration data.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a cognitive engine |
engine | varchar(20) | No | Shows the cognitive engine used: DialogFlow,Watson, eva NLP, Luis e QnA Maker |
metadata | text | No | Shows the cognitive engine metada values |
createdBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who created |
updatedBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
NLP Token
The nlp_token table stores the tokens generated by Dialogflow.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID that stores the NLP authentication token |
token | varchar(255) | Yes | Shows the token value |
tokenDate | datetime | Yes | Token creation date |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
The permission table stores permissions that can be given to a user.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies the permission type that can be given to a user |
name | varchar(20) | No | Permission type name |
description | varchar(200) | Yes | Permission description |
The role table stores the functions that can be given to a user.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies the role of a user |
name | varchar(20) | No | User role name: Admin Superadminuser Editor Analyts Technical |
description | varchar(200) | Yes | Role description |
Role Permission
The role_permission stores role and permission data, allowing to identify each user role and permission.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
roleId | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies the role of a user, related to the role table |
permissionId | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies the permission that was given, related to the permission table |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
The sequelizemeta table stores the configuration history.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
name | varchar(255) | No | Shows the cockpit team migration history |
Tag Type
The tag_type table stores the repository types: intent, entity, answer, flow, prototype and service.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | tinyint(1) | No | ID that identifies the tag type |
type | varchar(45) | No | Identifies the tag type |
Tag Uses
The tag_uses table stores tag data and which repository it is related to, allowing to identify the tag, repository type and which repository ID the tag is related to.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
tagId | bigint(20) | No | Tag ID, related to the tag table |
intentId | bigint(20) | Yes | ID that identifies the intent name |
tag_typeId | tinyint(1) | No | Tag type ID, related to the tag_type table |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
entityId | bigint(20) | Yes | ID that identify the entity, related to the entity table |
answerId | bigint(20) | Yes | ID that identifies the delivered answer |
serviced | bigint(20) | Yes | ID that identifies the service cell, related to the transactional_service table |
The tags table stores the tags created in the virtual agent. The tags helps to identify objects.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies a tag |
name | varchar(255) | Yes | Tag name |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | Yes | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
The training table stores virtual agent training data. When a user trains a virtual agent in the cockpit, the data is stored in this tablea.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies a training |
version | varchar(5) | No | Shows how many times a virtual agent was trained using a version number |
status | varchar(40) | No | Shows the training status: 1 – training 2 – ready 3 – error |
trainer | bigint(20) | No | Shows the user who trained, related to the user table |
accuracy | tinyin(4) | No | Training accuracy value |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
Transactional Service
The transactional_service table stores the transactional calls performed during a session. Is possible to identify which service was called and the answer content by the webhook.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies a transactional call |
webhook | text | No | API URL |
content | text | No | Content that will be used in the transactional call |
name | varchar(80) | No | Service call name |
description | text | Yes | Service call description |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
createdBy | bigint(20) | Yes | ID representing the user who created |
updatedBy | bigint(20) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
removed | tinyint(1) | Yes | Shows if it was removed. It is possible to revert by changing the Boolean. 0 = not removed 1 = removed |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
The user table stores the cockpit users created in the keycloak, which is an access control tool responsible for eva’s user authentication.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies the user |
keycloakUserId | varchar(50) | Yes | Shows the user ID that is stored in keycloak |
username | varchar(20) | No | Shows the user name |
image | mediumblob | Yes | Stores the user profile image |
company | varchar(50) | Yes | Identifies the company where the user works |
role | varchar(50) | Yes | Identifies user role |
root | varchar(20) | No | Informs if the user is root |
createdBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who created |
updatedBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
resetToken | varchar(100) | Yes | Shows the token value |
createTokenDate | datetime | Yes | Token creation date |
removed | tinyint(1) | No | Shows if it was removed. It is possible to revert by changing the Boolean. 0 = not removed 1 = removed |
User Virtual Agent Role
The user_bot_role table stores user identification, virtual agent and role data.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
userId | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies the user, related to the user table |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | No | ID representing a virtual agent, related to the virtual agent table |
roleId | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies a role, related to the role table |
createdBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who created |
updatedBy | varchar(50) | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updatedAt | datetime | Yes | Record last update date |
The utterances table stores intent examples. When a user creates an intent in the virtual agent, he must add sentences that can appear in a conversation with the virtual agent.
Column Name | Data Type | Not Null | Description |
id | bigint(20) | No | ID that identifies an utterance |
example | varchar(1000) | No | Utterance examples (intents) |
intentId | bigint(20) | Yes | ID that identifies an intent name |
createdAt | datetime | Yes | Record creation date |
updateAt | datetime | Yes | ID representing the user who updated |
botId | bigint(20) unsigned | Yes | Utterances metada |
Last updated