Export and import agents

Export virtual agent

This feature allows you to export a virtual agent to a ZIP file for backup. To access this feature, click the “Export bot” option on the sidebar menu.

Components in the NLP knowledge base will be downloaded as JSON files and the components in the Automated Learning knowledge base as TXT. If a virtual agent has both knowledge bases, the components will be downloaded in different formats (JSON and TXT) then gathered and compressed into a ZIP file.

The exported virtual agent carries the entire knowledge base, integrated channels, integrated NLP and configured parameters.

Import virtual agent

If you want to import a virtual agent, upload a ZIP file containing JSON files. Drop the file on the indicated area or select it by navigating on your computer.

The imported virtual agent has the same settings as the virtual agent registered in the ZIP file, such as:

  • NLP (it can’t be changed; you can only change the integration information of the previously configured NLP)

  • Language (can be changed)

  • Channel (can be changed)

  • Image (can be changed)

If you want to change the channel, go to the Channels section. To remove channels, open the channel page to remove/delete it.

Important: If you delete a channel, all responses attached to it will be automatically deleted.

The imported virtual agent will also have:

  • The NLP knowledge base used in the file (flows and cells)

  • The Automated Learning knowledge base (documents and questions)

  • Virtual agent parameters

Attention: It is mandatory to register a name for the new imported virtual agent. The imported file name does not interfere.

Cloning FAQ's


When importing a virtual agent from a previous environment to a production environment, it is recommended to keep its original name: a virtual agent called ALAN (in a dev/qa env) after being imported to a production environment will keep its original name, ALAN. Then, when it’s imported again to a prod environment, the previous virtual agent should be removed, so the new one can be added. Remember to keep the same name and, after that, retrain it.


Regarding the environment channels, the person responsible for creating and editing the virtual agent must create all channels needed in dev/qa. Channels that contain integrations, such as Facebook, WhatsApp (Infobip), etc. need to be managed by the person responsible, and when the virtual agent is added to the prod. environment, it will be necessary to adapt the integration data of the corresponding channels.- Facebook: you must open a ticket for a cloud team and add a webhook + secret (sent by Facebook) to a database

  • Infobip: you must open a ticket to turn on the Infobip POD. A review of the URL keyword on Infobip portal is also needed.

  • Google assistant: you must change the URL on Google Assistant portal settings. Important: if the virtual agent contains a webhook integration, you must analyze its URL.


When importing a virtual agent, the dashbot api-key is also imported.

Last updated