The tag API handles searching with tags
Last updated
The tag API handles searching with tags
Last updated
A valid organization Uuid
A valid environment Uuid
A valid bot Uuid
Uuid of the tag, if existing. Not required, but will speed up the search if present.
Name of the tag.
The Uuid of the object associated with it. The kind of object is declared in tagTypeId
The type of object this tag shall refer to:
1 - Intent
2 - Entity
3 - Answer
4 - Flow
5 - Unused stubs (prototype)
6 - Service
7 - Question
8 - RestConnector
9 - GenerativeService
10 - Document
A valid organization Uuid
A valid environment Uuid
A valid bot Uuid
Bad Request
A valid organization Uuid
A valid environment Uuid
A valid bot Uuid
It is the organization where the flow is, used to connect to the correct database
It is the environment where the flow is, used to connect to the correct database
It is the bot where the flow is, used to filter tags
Uuid of the tag, if existing. Not required, but will speed up the search if present.
Name of the tag.