What's New

Latest Updates

August, 2024

List of improvements and bug fixes in this release:


  • Layout tweaking when selecting many tags in a funnel step

Knowledge AI

  • Training button has been restricted to the Knowledge AI page


  • Improvements to the rerouting flow on the login screen


  • Permission to change intents/entities during training implemented

  • Training button has been hidden when there is no new content to be trained

Webchat plugin (websnippet)

  • Additional open context parameters have been added

June, 2024

We are happy to announce the latest updates, designed to enhance user experience and strengthen data security. These new features include advanced data protection, seamless integration with Azure Open ID, enhanced voice channel configurations, an improved user interface, and expanded channels options.

Data Masking

To enhance the security of PII (Personal Identifiable Information) data within the platform, we're introducing a feature that activates data masking for the virtual agent. This feature reduces the risk of data breaches and enhances compliance with privacy regulations.

Integration with CISCO VXML

The new integration with CISCO VXML and Syntphony Conversational AI enhances the operational efficiency of Contact Centers. This integration leverages the sophisticated telephony and contact center capabilities of UCCE, combined with the intelligent automation features of Syntphony CAI. Additionally, users can now configure phone numbers for voice channels like VXML directly from the channel library.

Login with OpenID

Users can now log into our platform directly from their Azure organization (if enabled), providing a seamless and secure authentication process. This integration supports single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, reducing the need for multiple passwords and simplifying user management for IT administrators.

Knowledge AI

We are introducing enhanced contextual understanding in Knowledge AI.

These new improvements allow the system to consider previous interactions, providing more accurate and relevant answer to end-users. You can set the number of past interactions to be taken into account, ranging from 0 to 5, ensuring that follow-up questions are understood in context.

Voice Gateway

Now you can set up default error handling, timeout configurations, TTS (text-to-speech), voice menus, DTMF menus, and voice handover settings for smooth transition calls to human agents when necessary directly from the interface.


We're introducing a mini product center to keep you up to date with the latest features and events, so you don't miss out on important updates!

New Navigation Systems


Experience a whole new way of navigating through eva. We're introducing a new navigation structure to help you navigate through the sections and find what you need faster with new sections and a more logical clustering, and the option of pinning your most accessed and/or favorite sections on top of the menu.

Channel Library

Another significant improvement made was in the Channels section navigation! With this update, we've restructured the library to enhance usability and intuitiveness, ensuring that users can effortlessly find the integrations they need.

Plus, we have added new channels to our library:

  • Wechat

  • Kakao

  • Line

  • Instagram

  • Amazon

  • Connect

  • Genesys

  • Odigo

  • Twillio

  • Infobip Conversations

  • Naka

  • Digital Humans

  • Slack

Below is the list of bugfixes and other improvements in the june release:


  • Bug resolution on the Parameters screen (env and bot).

  • Error when registering environment parameters corrected.

  • Content type body validation and rest connector cell output adjusted.

  • Sliders changed via input.

  • Snack message after parameter slider change corrected.


  • Training status bar adjusted to be behind the menu.

  • Activation of the training button after document removal.

Rest Connector

  • Problem with editing rest connector with key/value fixed.

  • Tooltip in the body of the rest connector displayed correctly.


  • Switch enable/disable corrected.

  • Source adjusted to reflect on the site.

  • Text URL error resolved.

  • Images now render correctly.

  • Smartphone styles corrected.


  • KAI training page adjusted.

  • Hover message on create question button fixed.

  • Remove duplicate image button set.

User List

  • User screen repositioned correctly.

  • Remove duplicate image button fixed.

  • Dropdown of list options adjusted.


  • Automatic logout after inactivity fixed.

Flows Repository

  • Drop down flow creation adjusted.

  • Title of the user journey flow modal corrected.

Answers Repository

  • Template files aligned correctly.

  • Response modal buttons aligned.


  • Hover message in the dropdown of the "Create bot" screen adjusted.

  • Snack message after slider change fixed.

Recent Updates

January, 2024

After months of dedicated work, our product team is thrilled to unveil a wave of transformative features harnessing the power of generative AI technology. From adding dynamism to conversations, to assist you in crafting and enhancing text effortlessly. Dive into the capabilities that will help you in a more efficient and advanced conversational experience.

Find out what's new in this latest release:

Zero-Shot LLM Model

The Zero-Shot classification is a task that enables the model to classify intents during runtime, even if they have not yet been trained, using semantic similarity.

This feature makes use of pre-trained language models from LLM (Large Language Model) and OpenAI to assist the engine identify relevant intents without the need for explicit training utterances, significantly simplifying and reducing the process of training your virtual agent.

Rephrase Answer

Empower your virtual agent's answers with real-time rephrasing! Enhance user engagement by tailoring responses based on context and emotions for a more natural conversational experience.

Assist Answer

A new feature in the Answer Cell that makes it easier for conversational designers to create or enhance answer with the help of generative AI. You can generate text based on a simple instruction or with one single click: expand, reduce, or improve text, fix spelling and grammar or change tone. Available in the text template for all channels.

Knowledge AI

A solution that transforming documents into a structured and easily accessible content. Knowledge AI doesn't rely on conventional intent-based model to identify user questions to provide answers, which makes it ideal for FAQs, product descriptions, institutional content, manuals, chit chat, etc.

You can upload a TXT or a PDF file to extract insights for your virtual agent. It has the ability to read images with text (except illustrations), update the file while retaining all questions previoulsy linked to the document, and track user journeys through tags.


New improvements were made available to be enabled/disabled in this section — Prompt cell, Rephrase Answer and Assist Answer.


New thresholds parameters added to this release to configure the request timeout behavior of the Generative AI services.

October, 2023

Web chat customization

Integrate conversational AI into your website, app and mobile channels. Whether you want to enhance customer satisfaction or simplify user interactions, Syntphony Conversational AI enables you to create a personalized webchat solution that perfectly matches your distinct brand identity, ensuring a dynamic user experience.

Examples Generator (beta)

Speed up your knowledge base creation process by automatically generating a list of context-related utterance examples for each intent with this exciting feature.

The Example Generator empowers writers to quickly generate multiple sentences using the provided context. By effortlessly creating sample utterances for your intents, you'll turbocharge the training process, making it faster and more efficient than ever before.

Dashboards - Funnel charts

Open the power of Funnel charts in your Dashboards: gain insights, make data-driven decisions, and optimize user experiences effortlessly with valuable insights about your conversations. The newly added section to our Dashboards will help you better understand the conversation journey, drop-off points, and A/B testing.

Add extra features to enhance performance

We've added the new section, Extensions to enhance your virtual agent's capabilities. A variety of advanced features can be enabled with a single click. Stay tuned for upcoming features.

Filter by tags

Introducing a new filtering option in Dashboards, leveraging tags added to cells and flows in the Dialog Manager. This feature offers a precise way to analyze specific scenarios, simplifying the performance analysis of your virtual agent.

Audio Interactions

Our platform is equipped to understand audio when users communicate through channels that support audio recordings. This feature allows you to engage with users via audio interactions, enhancing accessibility. It's designed to work across all audio-compatible channels.

Refer to the API Guidelines to learn how to integrate it.

Trial Accounts

Trial accounts created in the Try Syntphony Conversational AI environment offer a seamless transition to a production upgrade with just a single click. This can be accomplished by purchasing a license, enabling team members to retain all the content they've diligently crafted during the trial period.

August, 2023

Prompt cell (beta)

The recent rise of Large Language Models (LLM) technologies, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, has unveiled a remarkable potential in harnessing the power of NLP. The new Prompt cell will empower you to unlock all this potential with its awe-inspiring transformative capabilities.

This new cell for generative content is a versatile tool with many use cases. In this cell, you can enter a prompt, which may use any existing bot parameters or user input's text as part of it, to process inquiries, create answer variations, and format your inputs into specific formats.

To help you understand how it works better, we recommend accessing its dedicated page, which provides a brief and detailed explanation of its features and how-tos. In summary, you can:

  • Rewrite texts for your answers to make it sound more natural and conversational.

  • Process your user's input and store it in the format of your choice, such as JSON or other technical structures, based on your specific requirements.

  • Engage in freeform conversations with the language model by utilizing user input for inquiries.

  • Infer intentions and needs regardless of the NLP's configuration, allowing for diverse, generic zero-shot integrations with Not Expected flows redirecting to the appropriate flow based on user text parsing.

  • Generate tailored texts based on available or missing user information. Validate inputs, make sure they are in the correct format, and display text with only specific fields.

  • Literally anything a LLM tool can provide you with.

Rest Connectors

We've added yet another cell that will allow you to integrate literally any API you need, the Rest Connector cell.

Previously, you could use Transactional Service Cells to make requests to a Webhook of your own, which allowed you to - to some extent - integrate submissions of data into your webservice through headers. Now, this new service cell comes with an integrated authentication step, allowing you to use any of the market standard authorization types to proccess any type of request.

Agent Templates

A new Agent Template was added to our list. These are pre-built and ready-to-use virtual agents to help establish a base for building conversations for Airlines, a collection of 19 flows focused on travel services in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

March, 2023


This release includes new dashboards with sections for User messages, Conversations, and Reports.

Among others, the new dashboards bring data and gather insights about:

  • Full Conversations

  • Message details

  • Confidence score

  • The NLP and/or Knowledge AI (Automated Learning) response

  • Satisfaction

  • Duration

  • Channels

The Voice Gateway ("VG")

The new evg-connector allows you to create voice agents within Syntphony CAI, that means that no external platform is needed. Now you can easily implement and automate virtual agents using text and audio answer templates in Dialog Manager, integrated to a voice channel.

Amazon Lex Integration

We have added another NLP to our list! If your knowledge base is based in Amazon Lex, you can integrate it to eva to create flows and manage all the user conversational journey.

OpenAI’s GPT-3 integration

Syntphony CAI is using this powerful new tool so you can improve the way you manage the Not Expected answers and deliver much more dynamic and accurate answers in real time, giving users an amazing experience and speeding up the creation of your conversations.

Improvements in Welcome and Not Expected flows

Improvements in Welcome and Not Expected flows that offer new possibilities according to the channel being used. You can add new cells to these flows to, for example, segment different user groups using rule cells and deliver a different welcome message for each group. You can also use rule cells to set your virtual agent to deliver different Not Expected answers for different segments of customers. Read more about all the possibilities.

Agent Templates

A new Agent Template was added. These are pre-built and ready-to-use virtual agents to help establish a base for building conversations for C-commerce, a collection of 19 flows focused on e-commerce services in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Improvements in Code and Rule cells

Branch, enable and disable your flows using Code and/or Rule cells.

Fixed issues

Delete Jump after editing the flow name

Inconsistencies when creating Service cells

Deactivate System Entity

Disconnected cells (ghost cells)

Edit Code and Rule cells after a Service cell

Other minor bug fixes

Usability improvements

Enhanced password recovery page

Look & feel improvements like:

  • New headers with breadcrumbs to improve navigation between Organization, Environments and Virtual Agents

  • New sidebars

  • New empty states for when there is no data to display with instructions and additional information

  • Enhanced Import/Export page

Setting Automated Learning chart sampling for Automated Test

New eva keys accessibility

New feedback messages

November, 2022

Improvements in Conversation API added to this version:

  • New instance API conversation endpoints

  • New Infobip, Google Assistant and Facebook API endpints

  • New error codes in instance conversation API

October, 2022


A new Dashboard feature is available as of version 4.1, providing key metrics that will help you analyze if the virtual agent is successfully performing and achieving your business goals. With this new feature, Syntphony CAI gathers and charts specific data and easily custom them the way you want.

The new Overview section includes the following:

  • Metrics fot total conversations, total messages, total of users, percetage of accuracy, top 10 intents, and top 10 flows.

  • A comparative data from the previous period, so you can quickly see how the virtual agent has been performing.

  • Quick-filters to switch the charts data visualization

  • More details and specifics such as occurrences by channel and total executions on the period by just hovering the bars and lines on the charts

  • Filters by period (analyzes data up to 12 months) and by channels

  • Export your dashboards as PDF

Sort and Pagination

For a better experience, we added new ways of navigating on the repositories. Now you can sort items by name, modification date, or type. This is also useful to help you search using this filters.

Other possibility added to this release is pagination, to help control how many items are displayed per page. Choose if you want to see from 50 up to 100 items on the Flows, Intents, Entities, Services, and Answers repositories.

Improvements when Importing and Exporting Virtual Agents

In this new release, we bring some improvements in the way you import your virtual agent: now you can choose if you will import it a new ID or if you want to keep the same ID from the previous environment.

In the latter, it’s like moving the virtual agent from one environment to another (from dev to prod, for example), without the need of creating a whole a new agent every time you change it in a different environment.

You can also update (replace) an existing version, updating all changes made in parameters, channels, workspace, repositories, and Knowledge AI, or restoring a backup.

We also added a new shortcut in a popup menu to import and export and update the virtual agent directly on the main page.

Improvements in Knowledge AI (previously known as Automated Learning)

Now you can add questions to disabled documents in Knowledge AI and choose if you want to activate or leave them deactivated.

  • Dashboards: Release of the new Dashboard - Overview, Syntphony CAI gathers and charts specific data you need, and easily custom data the way you want to see.

  • Sort and Pagination to give the user a better navigation experience on all repositories

  • Import and Export improvements: Ability to choose between importing the virtual agent as a new one with the same or a new and unique ID, or to update (replace). This option won’t change the ID.

  • Knowledge AI improvement: Allows creating questions in disabled documents.

July, 2022

Organizations and Environments

Syntphony CAI 4.0 brings a solution that will allow users to manage Organizations and Environments on the same page to bring more operational efficiency. Now you won't need to open different pages in the browser with different login accounts.

This also means more flexibility to create different Environments (dev/test/prod, for example) within these Organizations, according to the project strategies. At the permission level, Admins can also set different user access levels and define their roles for each environment and the virtual agents therein: in other words, the same user can be editor in environments A and B and a viewer in another environment C, for example.

In practical terms, it helps reduce time to market, as you’ll also be able to quickly perform the deployment process and speed up updating to new versions.

Agent Templates

New Agent Templates were added. These are pre-built and ready-to-use virtual agents to help establish a base for building conversations for Help Desk (a collection of 21 flows focused on ticketing services) and Telco (collection of 25 flows focused on Telecom services).

Search within the Dialog Manager repositories

Searches for specific cells (intent, entity, answer, service), flows, AL documents or AL questions through extensive lists on the repositories in Dialog Manager, by typing the name of the item on the search bar.

Profiles and roles

We have updated the profiles and roles definitions to better respond to our users' needs. From two types in the previous version, we have now five different types: owner, admin, supervisor, editor, and viewer. The idea is to allow a better understanding of the roles of each user in each project and, thus, define their access levels and permissions across all Syntphony CAI resources. See new definitions.

Our platform is equipped to understand audio when users communicate through channels that support audio recordings. This feature allows you to engage with users via audio interactions, enhancing accessibility. It's designed to work across all audio-compatible channels.

Last updated